Humanity is in danger because of monsters coming from space. In this precarious situation, a superhero has appeared to rescue humanity from ~n~ monsters.
Initially, the superhero has a power level of ~x~. At step ~i~, the superhero can:
Choose an undefeated monster whose health level does not exceed the superhero's power level.
If such a monster can be chosen, it will be defeated, and the superhero's power level will be multiplied by ~i + 1~; otherwise, the superhero's power level remains the same.
The health level of all undefeated monsters is multiplied by ~i~, regardless of whether the superhero has just defeated a monster.
Calculate the maximum amount of monsters the hero can defeat.
Each test consists of multiple test cases. The first line contains the number of test cases ~t~ (~1 \leq t \leq 100~). The description of each test case is as follows.
The first line contains two positive integers ~n~ and ~x~ (~1 \le n \le 5000~, ~1 \le x \le 10^{12}~) — the number of monsters and the initial power level of the superhero.
The second line contains ~n~ positive integers ~a_1, a_2, ..., a_n~ (~1 \le a_i \le 10^{12}~) — the initial health levels of the monsters.
The sum of ~n~ across all test cases is guaranteed not to exceed ~5000~.
For each test case, output a single integer — the maximum number of monsters the superhero can defeat.
Subtask | Score | Constraints |
1 | ~250~ | ~1 \le x, a_i \le 100~; sum of ~n~ does not exceed ~100~ |
2 | ~250~ | No additional constraints |
Total | ~500~ |
Sample Input 1
5 3
1 1 1 1 50
3 2
7 1 1
Sample Output 1
The following explains the first test case, with ~-~ representing monsters that have been defeated.
The hero chooses the first monster. After the superhero defeats the first monster, the remaining monsters have health levels of ~[-, 1, 1, 1, 50]~. The superhero's power level is ~6~.
The hero chooses the second monster. After the superhero defeats the second monster, the remaining monsters have health levels of ~[-, -, 2, 2, 100]~. The superhero's power level is ~18~.
The hero chooses the third monster. After the superhero defeats the third monster, the remaining monsters have health levels of ~[-, -, -, 6, 300]~. The superhero's power level is ~72~.
The hero chooses the fourth monster. After the superhero defeats the fourth monster, the remaining monsters have health levels of ~[-, -, -, -, 1200]~. The superhero's power level is ~360~.
No more monsters can be defeated.
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