Kuroni loves using Ctrl-F when programming, especially the feature that highlights the substrings that match the searched string. Whenever he is given two strings with equal length ~s~ and ~t~, Kuroni will try to find a way to create the same highlight pattern on these two strings.
Formally, Kuroni wants to find pairs of strings ~u~ and ~v~ such that:
The length of ~u~ is equal to the length of ~v~.
String ~u~ must be a substring of ~s~; additionally, string ~v~ must be a substring of ~t~.
String ~u~ is a substring starting from position ~i~ on ~s~ if and only if string ~v~ is a substring starting from position ~i~ on ~t~ (for all ~1 \le i \le |s| - |u| + 1~).
Find the number of pairs of strings ~(u, v)~ that satisfy the above condition; additionally, output the sum of the lengths of ~u~ in all such pairs.
The first line of the input contains a positive integer ~n~ (~1 \le n \le 2 \cdot 10^5~) — the length of strings ~s~ and ~t~.
The second and third lines of the input are strings ~s~ and ~t~ (~|s| = |t| = n~). ~s~ and ~t~ only consist of lowercase Latin letters.
Output two integers separated by a space: the number of pairs of strings ~(u, v)~ that satisfy the condition of the problem, and the sum of the lengths of ~u~ in all such pairs.
Subtask | Points | Constraints |
1 | 750 | ~n \le 200~ |
2 | 1000 | ~n \le 2000~ |
3 | 1250 | No additional constraints |
Total | 3000 |
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
9 35
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
17 51
Sample Input 3
Sample Output 3
40 194
In the first example test case, ~u = \texttt{a}~ and ~v = \texttt{o}~ is a pair of strings that satisfies the condition, while ~u = \texttt{ana}~ and ~v = \texttt{kok}~ is not.
Highlight pattern of Ctrl-F in the first example test case with ~u = \texttt{a}~ and ~v = \texttt{o}~.
Highlight pattern of Ctrl-F in the first example test case with ~u = \texttt{ana}~ and ~v = \texttt{kok}~.