Editorial for VM 09 Bài 01 - Palindrome String
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Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
Lưu ý: Các code mẫu dưới đây chỉ mang tính tham khảo và có thể không AC được bài tập này
Code mẫu của flashmt
const fi=''; fo=''; maxn=100100; var n,re:longint; a:array[1..maxn] of char; num:array[1..62] of longint; b:array[1..62] of longint; d,dau:array[1..62] of byte; s:array[1..62] of char; r:array['0'..'z'] of longint; procedure init; var c:char; i:longint; begin for i:=1 to 10 do begin s[i]:=chr(i+47); r[chr(i+47)]:=i; end; for i:=11 to 36 do begin s[i]:=chr(i+54); r[chr(i+54)]:=i; end; for i:=37 to 62 do begin s[i]:=chr(i+60); r[chr(i+60)]:=i; end; end; procedure rf; begin assign(input,fi); reset(input); n:=0; fillchar(num,sizeof(num),0); fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); while not eoln do begin inc(n); read(a[n]); inc(num[r[a[n]]]); end; close(input); end; procedure pr; var i,j,max,sum,p,q,t:longint; begin for i:=1 to 62 do b[i]:=i; re:=0; for i:=1 to n div 2 do begin p:=r[a[i]]; q:=r[a[n-i+1]]; if b[p]<>b[q] then begin d[p]:=1; d[q]:=1; t:=b[p]; for j:=1 to 62 do if b[j]=t then b[j]:=b[q]; end; end; for i:=1 to 62 do if (num[i]>0) and (d[i]=1) then begin p:=b[i]; d[i]:=0; max:=num[i]; sum:=max; for j:=1 to 62 do if (b[j]=p) and (d[j]=1) then begin sum:=sum+num[j]; d[j]:=0; if num[j]>max then max:=num[j]; end; re:=re+sum-max; end; end; procedure wf; begin assign(output,fo); rewrite(output); write(re); close(output); end; begin init; rf; pr; wf; end.
Code mẫu của happyboy99x
#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> char s[100000+5]; int c[256], p[256], mx[256]; void init() { for(int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) p[i] = i; } int get(int u) { return u == p[u] ? u : p[u] = get(p[u]); } int main() { scanf("%s", s); for(int i = 0; s[i]; ++i) ++c[s[i]], ++mx[s[i]]; init(); for(int i = 0, j = strlen(s) - 1; i < j; ++i, --j) { int x = get(s[i]), y = get(s[j]); if(x != y) { p[p[x]] = p[y]; c[y] += c[x]; if(mx[x] > mx[y]) mx[y] = mx[x]; c[x] = 0; mx[x] = 0; } } int res = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 256; ++i) res += c[i] - mx[i]; printf("%d\n", res); return 0; }
Code mẫu của ladpro98
program TOPALIN; uses math; const fi=''; var a:ansistring; chk:array[1..100] of boolean; mat:array[1..100,1..100] of longint; w:array[1..100] of longint; num:array['0'..'z'] of longint; inp:text; i,n,res,sum,maxV,t:longint; c:char; procedure dfs(i:longint); var j:longint; begin chk[i]:=true; inc(sum,w[i]); maxV:=max(maxV,w[i]); for j:=1 to t do if (mat[i,j]=1) and (not chk[j]) then dfs(j); end; begin assign(inp,fi);reset(inp); readln(inp,a);close(inp); n:=length(a);t:=0; for c:='A' to 'z' do begin inc(t);num[c]:=t; end; for c:='0' to '9' do begin inc(t);num[c]:=t; end; for i:=1 to n div 2 do if a[i]<>a[n-i+1] then begin mat[num[a[i]],num[a[n-i+1]]]:=1; mat[num[a[n-i+1]],num[a[i]]]:=1; end; for i:=1 to n do inc(w[num[a[i]]]); for i:=1 to t do if not chk[i] then begin sum:=0;maxV:=0; dfs(i); res:=res+sum-maxV; end; write(res); end.
Code mẫu của RR
//Written by RR #include <vector> #include <set> #include <algorithm> #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <queue> #include <map> #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <deque> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #define MAXN 100111 #define FOR(i,a,b) for(typeof(a) i=a; i<=b; i++) #define FORD(i,a,b) for(typeof(a) i=a; i>=b; i--) #define V vector<long> #define Q queue<long> #define S set<long> #define M map<long,long> #define FORV(i,v) for(typeof(v.begin()) i=v.begin(); i!=v.end(); i++) #define PB push_back #define SZ(x) ((long) x.size()) #define MP make_pair #define TWO(x) (long) (1<<x) #define TWOL(x) (long long) (1<<x) using namespace std; typedef long long ll; typedef long double ld; typedef vector<bool> vb; typedef pair<long,long> ii; long n,freq[300]; char s[MAXN]; V ke[300]; long res; void inp() { scanf("%s",&s); n=strlen(s)-1; FOR(i,0,n) { if (s[i]!=s[n-i]) { ke[(long)s[i]].PB((long)s[n-i]); ke[(long)s[n-i]].PB((long)s[i]); } } FOR(i,0,n) freq[(long)s[i]]++; } long xet[MAXN]; void BFS(long start) { Q q; long u=start; q.push(u); xet[u]=start; long gtln=u; while (!q.empty()) { u=q.front(); q.pop(); FORV(v,ke[u]) if (xet[*v]==0) { q.push(*v); xet[*v]=start; if (freq[*v]>freq[gtln]) gtln=*v; } } FOR(i,1,299) if (xet[i]==start && i!=gtln) res+=freq[i]; } void solve() { FOR(i,1,299) if (xet[i]==0) if (!ke[i].empty()) BFS(i); } int main() { inp(); solve(); cout<<res<<endl; return 0; }
Code mẫu của hieult
#include <cstdio> //#include <conio.h> #include <cstring> struct chu { int so,a[150]; }; int tong,maxx; int n,c[150][150],d[150],flag[150],KQ = 0; char s[100010]; chu A[150]; void duyet(int x) { flag[x] = 1; tong += d[x]; if(d[x]>maxx) maxx = d[x]; for(int i = 1;i<=A[x].so;i++) if(!flag[A[x].a[i]]) duyet(A[x].a[i]); } int main() { scanf("%s",s); n = strlen(s); for(int i = 0;i<150;i++) { A[i].so = 0; flag[i] = 0; for(int j = 0;j<150;j++) c[i][j] = 0; } for(int i = 0;i<=(n-1)/2;i++) { if(i*2==n-1) d[s[i]]++; else { d[s[i]]++; d[s[n-1-i]]++; if(s[i]!=s[n-1-i]&& !c[s[i]][s[n-1-i]]) { c[s[i]][s[n-1-i]]=1; c[s[n-1-i]][s[i]]=1; A[s[i]].a[++A[s[i]].so] = s[n-1-i]; A[s[n-1-i]].a[++A[s[n-1-i]].so] = s[i]; } } } for(int i = '0';i<='z';i++) { if(flag[i] || !d[i]) continue; else { tong = 0; maxx = 0; duyet(i); KQ += (tong-maxx); } } printf("%d",KQ); //getch(); }
Code mẫu của ll931110
{$MODE DELPHI} {$H+} program TOPALIN; const input = ''; output = ''; maxk = 62; var s: string; a: array[1..maxk,1..maxk] of boolean; free: array[1..maxk] of boolean; num: array[1..maxk] of integer; trans: array['0'..'z'] of integer; list: array[1..maxk] of integer; n,res,count: integer; procedure init; var f: text; begin assign(f, input); reset(f); readln(f, s); n := length(s); close(f); end; procedure DFS(u: integer); var v: integer; begin inc(count); list[count] := u; free[u] := false; for v := 1 to maxk do if free[v] and a[u,v] then DFS(v); end; procedure solve; var i,j,u,v,sum,max: integer; ch: char; begin count := 0; for ch := '0' to '9' do begin inc(count); trans[ch] := count; end; for ch := 'A' to 'Z' do begin inc(count); trans[ch] := count; end; for ch := 'a' to 'z' do begin inc(count); trans[ch] := count; end; fillchar(a, sizeof(a), false); fillchar(num, sizeof(num), 0); for i := 1 to n do begin u := trans[s[i]]; v := trans[s[n + 1 - i]]; inc(num[u]); if s[i] <> s[n + 1 - i] then a[u,v] := true; end; fillchar(free, sizeof(free), true); res := 0; for i := 1 to maxk do if free[i] then begin count := 0; DFS(i); sum := 0; max := 0; for j := 1 to count do begin sum := sum + num[list[j]]; if max < num[list[j]] then max := num[list[j]]; end; res := res + sum - max; end; end; procedure printresult; var f: text; begin assign(f, output); rewrite(f); writeln(f, res); close(f); end; begin init; solve; printresult; end.
Code mẫu của khuc_tuan
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; char s[100010]; int n, res, total, cmax; int C[300], a[300][300], vs[300]; void dfs(int i) { vs[i] = true; total += C[i]; cmax = max( cmax, C[i]); for(int j=0;j<300;++j) if(!vs[j] && a[i][j]) dfs(j); } int main() { gets(s); n = strlen(s); //printf("%d\n", n); for(int i=0;i<n;++i) C[s[i]]++; for(int i=0,j=n-1;i<j;++i,--j) a[s[i]][s[j]] = a[s[j]][s[i]] = 1; for(int i=0;i<300;++i) if(!vs[i]) { total = cmax = 0; dfs(i); res += total - cmax; } // cout << res << endl; printf("%d\n", res); return 0; }