Editorial for Cijevi
Remember to use this editorial only when stuck, and not to copy-paste code from it. Please be respectful to the problem author and editorialist.
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Submitting an official solution before solving the problem yourself is a bannable offence.
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Code mẫu của flashmt
const maxn=25; dx:array[1..4] of shortint=(-1,0,1,0); dy:array[1..4] of shortint=(0,1,0,-1); var m,n,rex,rey,x,y,x1,y1,pre,pre1:byte; rec:char; s:array[0..1,0..1] of byte; a:array[1..maxn,1..maxn,1..maxn,1..maxn] of byte; b:array[1..maxn,1..maxn] of char; d:array[1..maxn,1..maxn] of byte; function max(a,b:byte):byte; begin if a>b then max:=a else max:=b; end; procedure rf; var i,j:byte; c:char; begin fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); readln(m,n); for i:=1 to m do begin for j:=1 to n do begin read(c); b[i,j]:=c; if c='M' then begin s[0,0]:=i; s[0,1]:=j; end; if c='Z' then begin s[1,0]:=i; s[1,1]:=j; end; if (c='|') or (c='+') or (c='1') or (c='4') then begin a[i,j,i+1,j]:=1; a[i+1,j,i,j]:=1; end; if (c='|') or (c='+') or (c='2') or (c='3') then begin a[i,j,i-1,j]:=1; a[i-1,j,i,j]:=1; end; if (c='-') or (c='+') or (c='1') or (c='2') then begin a[i,j,i,j+1]:=1; a[i,j+1,i,j]:=1; end; if (c='-') or (c='+') or (c='3') or (c='4') then begin a[i,j,i,j-1]:=1; a[i,j-1,i,j]:=1; end; end; readln; end; fillchar(d,sizeof(d),0); end; function check(p,q:byte):boolean; begin check:=(p>0) and (q>0) and (p<=m) and (q<=n); end; procedure go(k:byte); var j,xt,yt:byte; kt:boolean; begin x:=s[k,0]; y:=s[k,1]; d[x,y]:=1; for j:=1 to 4 do begin xt:=x+dx[j]; yt:=y+dy[j]; if check(xt,yt) and (a[x,y,xt,yt]=1) then begin a[x,y,xt,yt]:=0; a[xt,yt,x,y]:=0; x:=xt; y:=yt; d[x,y]:=1; pre:=j; break; end; end; while true do begin if b[x,y]='+' then begin xt:=x+dx[pre]; yt:=y+dy[pre]; if (a[x,y,xt,yt]=1) and (b[xt,yt]<>'.') then begin a[x,y,xt,yt]:=0; a[xt,yt,x,y]:=0; x:=xt; y:=yt; d[x,y]:=1; end else break; end else begin kt:=false; for j:=1 to 4 do begin xt:=x+dx[j]; yt:=y+dy[j]; if check(xt,yt) and (a[x,y,xt,yt]=1) and (b[xt,yt]<>'.') then begin a[x,y,xt,yt]:=0; a[xt,yt,x,y]:=0; x:=xt; y:=yt; pre:=j; d[x,y]:=1; kt:=true; break; end; end; if not kt then break; end; end; if b[x,y]='1' then begin if pre=4 then pre:=3 else pre:=2; end; if b[x,y]='2' then begin if pre=3 then pre:=2 else pre:=1; end; if b[x,y]='3' then begin if pre=2 then pre:=1 else pre:=4; end; if b[x,y]='4' then begin if pre=1 then pre:=4 else pre:=3; end; end; procedure pr; var i,j:byte; kt:boolean; begin go(0); x1:=x; y1:=y; pre1:=pre; go(1); kt:=false; for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do if (d[i,j]=0) and (b[i,j]<>'.') then kt:=true; if x=x1 then begin rex:=x; rey:=(y+y1) div 2; rec:='-'; end; if y=y1 then begin rex:=(x+x1) div 2; rey:=y; rec:='|'; end; if x1+y1=x+y then begin if (pre=3) or (pre1=3) then begin rex:=max(x,x1); rey:=max(y,y1); rec:='3'; end else begin rex:=x+x1-max(x,x1); rey:=y+y1-max(y,y1); rec:='1'; end; end; if x1+y=x+y1 then begin if (pre=3) or (pre1=3) then begin rex:=max(x,x1); rey:=y+y1-max(y,y1); rec:='2'; end else begin rex:=x+x1-max(x,x1); rey:=max(y,y1); rec:='4'; end; end; if kt then rec:='+'; end; procedure wf; begin write(rex,' ',rey,' ',rec); end; begin rf; pr; wf; end.
Code mẫu của RR
{$R+,Q+} {$mode objFPC} uses math; const FINP=''; FOUT=''; MAXN=30; var f1,f2:text; lu,lv,m,n,startu,startv,targetu,targetv:longint; lc:char; ok,ok2:boolean; a:array[1..MAXN,1..MAXN] of char; xet:array[-1..MAXN,-1..MAXN] of longint; procedure openF; begin assign(f1,FINP); reset(f1); assign(f2,FOUT); rewrite(f2); end; procedure closeF; begin close(f1); close(f2); end; procedure inp; var i,j:longint; begin readln(f1,m,n); for i:=1 to m do begin for j:=1 to n do begin read(f1,a[i,j]); if a[i,j]='M' then begin startu:=i; startv:=j; end; if a[i,j]='Z' then begin targetu:=i; targetv:=j; end; end; readln(f1); end; end; procedure ans; begin writeln(f2,lu,' ',lv,' ',lc); end; function check(u,v,h:longint):boolean; inline; begin if (u<=0) or (v<=0) or (u>m) or (v>n) then exit(false); if a[u,v]='Z' then exit(true); if a[u,v]='M' then exit(true); case h of 1: if a[u,v] in ['2','3','|','+'] then exit(true) else exit(false); 2: if a[u,v] in ['1','2','-','+'] then exit(true) else exit(false); 3: if a[u,v] in ['1','4','|','+'] then exit(true) else exit(false); 4: if a[u,v] in ['3','4','-','+'] then exit(true) else exit(false); end; end; procedure visit(u,v:longint); begin if (u<=0) or (v<=0) or (u>m) or (v>n) then exit; if xet[u,v]=1 then exit; xet[u,v]:=1; case a[u,v] of 'M': begin if (u>1) and (a[u-1,v]<>'.') then visit(u-1,v); if (u<m) and (a[u+1,v]<>'.') then visit(u+1,v); if (v>1) and (a[u,v-1]<>'.') then visit(u,v-1); if (v<n) and (a[u,v+1]<>'.') then visit(u,v+1); end; '|': begin if ok2 then ok2:=check(u-1,v,3); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u+1,v,1); if (xet[u-1,v]=0) then visit(u-1,v); if (xet[u+1,v]=0) then visit(u+1,v); end; '-': begin if ok2 then ok2:=check(u,v-1,2); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u,v+1,4); if (xet[u,v-1]=0) then visit(u,v-1); if (xet[u,v+1]=0) then visit(u,v+1); end; '+': begin if ok2 then ok2:=check(u-1,v,3); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u+1,v,1); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u,v-1,2); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u,v+1,4); if (xet[u-1,v]=0) then visit(u-1,v); if (xet[u+1,v]=0) then visit(u+1,v); if (xet[u,v-1]=0) then visit(u,v-1); if (xet[u,v+1]=0) then visit(u,v+1); end; '1': begin if ok2 then ok2:=check(u,v+1,4); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u+1,v,1); if (xet[u,v+1]=0) then visit(u,v+1); if (xet[u+1,v]=0) then visit(u+1,v); end; '2': begin if ok2 then ok2:=check(u-1,v,3); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u,v+1,4); if (xet[u-1,v]=0) then visit(u-1,v); if (xet[u,v+1]=0) then visit(u,v+1); end; '3': begin if ok2 then ok2:=check(u-1,v,3); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u,v-1,2); if (xet[u-1,v]=0) then visit(u-1,v); if (xet[u,v-1]=0) then visit(u,v-1); end; '4': begin if ok2 then ok2:=check(u,v-1,2); if ok2 then ok2:=check(u+1,v,1); if (xet[u,v-1]=0) then visit(u,v-1); if (xet[u+1,v]=0) then visit(u+1,v); end; '.': begin lu:=u; lv:=v; end; 'Z': ok:=true; end; end; procedure solve; var tu,tv:longint; begin visit(startu,startv); tu:=lu; tv:=lv; //Xet + ok:=false; ok2:=true; fillchar(xet,sizeof(xet),0); lu:=0; a[tu,tv]:='+'; visit(startu,startv); if (lu=0) and ok and ok2 then begin lu:=tu; lv:=tv; lc:='+'; exit; end; //Xet | ok:=false; ok2:=true; fillchar(xet,sizeof(xet),0); lu:=0; a[tu,tv]:='|'; visit(startu,startv); if (lu=0) and ok and ok2 then begin lu:=tu; lv:=tv; lc:='|'; exit; end; //Xet - ok:=false; ok2:=true; fillchar(xet,sizeof(xet),0); lu:=0; a[tu,tv]:='-'; visit(startu,startv); if (lu=0) and ok and ok2 then begin lu:=tu; lv:=tv; lc:='-'; exit; end; //Xet 1 ok:=false; ok2:=true; fillchar(xet,sizeof(xet),0); lu:=0; a[tu,tv]:='1'; visit(startu,startv); if (lu=0) and ok and ok2 then begin lu:=tu; lv:=tv; lc:='1'; exit; end; //Xet 2 ok:=false; ok2:=true; fillchar(xet,sizeof(xet),0); lu:=0; a[tu,tv]:='2'; visit(startu,startv); if (lu=0) and ok and ok2 then begin lu:=tu; lv:=tv; lc:='2'; exit; end; //Xet 3 ok:=false; ok2:=true; fillchar(xet,sizeof(xet),0); lu:=0; a[tu,tv]:='3'; visit(startu,startv); if (lu=0) and ok and ok2 then begin lu:=tu; lv:=tv; lc:='3'; exit; end; //Xet 4 ok:=false; ok2:=true; fillchar(xet,sizeof(xet),0); lu:=0; a[tu,tv]:='4'; visit(startu,startv); if (lu=0) and ok and ok2 then begin lu:=tu; lv:=tv; lc:='4'; exit; end; end; begin openF; inp; solve; ans; closeF; end.
Code mẫu của hieult
#include <cstdio> #include <cstring> //#include <conio.h> char a[30][30]; int n,m; bool trai(int r,int c){ return ((c>=0) && (a[r][c-1]=='+' || a[r][c-1]=='-' || a[r][c-1]=='1' || a[r][c-1]=='2')); } bool phai(int r,int c){ return ((c<m)&& (a[r][c+1]=='+' || a[r][c+1]=='-' || a[r][c+1]=='3' || a[r][c+1]=='4')); } bool tren(int r,int c){ return ((r>=0) && (a[r-1][c]=='+' || a[r-1][c]=='|' || a[r-1][c]=='1' || a[r-1][c]=='4')); } bool duoi(int r,int c){ return ((r<n) && (a[r+1][c]=='+' || a[r+1][c]=='|' || a[r+1][c]=='2' || a[r+1][c]=='3')); } int main() { // freopen("CIJEVI.in","r",stdin); scanf("%d %d",&n,&m); for(int i = 0;i<n;i++) scanf("%s",a[i]); for(int i = 0;i<n;i++) for(int j = 0;j<m;j++) { if(a[i][j] == '.') { if(trai(i,j)&&phai(i,j)&&tren(i,j)&&duoi(i,j)) {printf("%d %d +",i+1,j+1); return 0;} if(trai(i,j)&&phai(i,j)) {printf("%d %d -",i+1,j+1); return 0;} if(tren(i,j)&&duoi(i,j)) {printf("%d %d |",i+1,j+1); return 0;} if(trai(i,j)&&duoi(i,j)) {printf("%d %d 4",i+1,j+1); return 0;} if(trai(i,j)&&tren(i,j)) {printf("%d %d 3",i+1,j+1); return 0;} if(phai(i,j)&&duoi(i,j)) {printf("%d %d 1",i+1,j+1); return 0;} if(phai(i,j)&&tren(i,j)) {printf("%d %d 2",i+1,j+1); return 0;} } } // getch(); }
Code mẫu của ll931110
Program CIJEVI; Const input = ''; output = ''; maxn = 25; d: array[1..6,1..2,1..2] of integer = (((1,2),(4,3)),((3,2),(4,1)),((2,1),(3,4)),((2,3),(1,4)),((2,2),(4,4)),((1,1),(3,3))); h: array[1..4,1..3] of integer = ((1,4,6),(3,4,5),(2,3,6),(1,2,5)); dx: array[1..4] of integer = (-1,0,1,0); dy: array[1..4] of integer = (0,1,0,-1); Var a: array[0..maxn + 1,0..maxn + 1] of char; t: array[1..7] of char; r,c,cx,cy: integer; sx,sy,fx,fy: integer; brnum,count: integer; check: boolean; Procedure init; Var f: text; i,j: integer; Begin Assign(f, input); Reset(f); Readln(f, r, c); For i:= 0 to r + 1 do For j:= 0 to c + 1 do a[i,j]:= '.'; For i:= 1 to r do Begin For j:= 1 to c do Begin read(f, a[i,j]); If a[i,j] <> '.' then inc(brnum); End; Readln(f); End; t[1]:= '1'; t[2]:= '2'; t[3]:= '3'; t[4]:= '4'; t[5]:= '-'; t[6]:= chr(124); t[7]:= '+'; End; Procedure brway(var k: integer); Var i,u: integer; Begin u:= 0; For i:= 1 to 3 do if a[cx,cy] = t[h[k,i]] then Begin u:= h[k,i]; break; End; If u = 0 then If a[cx,cy] <> '+' then Begin check:= false; exit; End else Begin cx:= cx + dx[k]; cy:= cy + dy[k]; exit; End; For i:= 1 to 2 do if k = d[u,i,1] then Begin k:= d[u,i,2]; cx:= cx + dx[k]; cy:= cy + dy[k]; break; End; End; Function tk: boolean; Begin tk:= ((cx = fx) and (cy = fy)) or not check; End; Function getbr(k: integer): integer; Var i,u: integer; tx,ty,tmp,tmpcount: integer; Begin tx:= cx; ty:= cy; For i:= 1 to 3 do Begin cx:= tx; cy:= ty; check:= true; u:= h[k,i]; a[cx,cy]:= t[u]; tmp:= k; tmpcount:= count; Repeat brway(tmp); If not tk then dec(tmpcount); Until ((cx = fx) and (cy = fy)) or not check; If (cx = fx) and (cy = fy) and (tmpcount < 2) then exit(u) else a[tx,ty]:= '.'; End; getbr:= 7; End; Procedure solve; Var f: text; k,i,j: integer; Begin For i:= 1 to r do For j:= 1 to c do If a[i,j] = 'M' then Begin sx:= i; sy:= j; End else if a[i,j] = 'Z' then Begin fx:= i; fy:= j; End; For i:= 1 to 4 do Begin cx:= sx + dx[i]; cy:= sy + dy[i]; If (a[cx,cy] <> '.') and (a[cx,cy] <> 'Z') then Begin k:= i; break; End; End; count:= brnum - 2; Repeat brway(k); If a[cx,cy] <> '.' then dec(count); Until a[cx,cy] = '.'; Assign(f, output); Rewrite(f); Write(f, cx, ' ', cy, ' ', t[getbr(k)]); Close(f); End; Begin init; solve; End.
Code mẫu của khuc_tuan
//{$A8,B-,C+,D+,E-,F-,G+,H+,I+,J-,K-,L+,M-,N+,O+,P+,Q+,R+,S+,T-,U-,V+,W-,X+,Y+,Z1} // {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$mode delphi} const dx : array[0..3] of integer = (-1,0,1,0); dy : array[0..3] of integer = (0,1,0,-1); var z, x, y, h, i, j, m, n : integer; a : array[1..100,0..100] of char; mark : array[1..100,1..100] of integer; data : array[Char] of integer; ok : boolean; s : array[0..7] of char = '|-+1234'#0; function inside(x,y : integer) : boolean; begin inside := (x>=1) and (x<=m) and (y>=1) and (y<=n); end; procedure go(x,y,h : integer); var nh, t, s : integer; begin if a[x,y]='.' then begin mark[x,y] := mark[x,y] or (1 shl ((h+2) mod 4)); exit; end; s := 0; for t:=0 to 3 do if (data[a[x,y]] and (1 shl t)) <> 0 then s := s + t; nh := s - (h + 2) mod 4; if a[x,y]='+' then nh := h; go( x + dx[nh], y + dy[nh], nh); end; begin data['|'] := 1 or 4; data['-'] := 2 or 8; data['+'] := 1 or 2 or 4 or 8; data['1'] := 2 or 4; data['2'] := 1 or 2; data['3'] := 1 or 8; data['4'] := 4 or 8; readln(m,n); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(a[i]); move(a[i][0], a[i][1], 50); end; for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do if (a[i,j]='M') or (a[i,j]='Z') then begin ok := false; for h:=0 to 3 do begin x := i + dx[h]; y := j + dy[h]; if inside(x,y) and (a[x,y]<>'.') and ((data[a[x,y]] and (1 shl ((h+2) mod 4)))<>0)then begin ok := true; go(x,y,h); end; end; if not ok then begin for h:=0 to 3 do begin x := i + dx[h]; y := j + dy[h]; if inside(x,y) and (a[x,y]='.') then mark[x,y] := mark[x,y] or (1 shl ((h+2) mod 4)); end; end; end; for i:=1 to m do for j:=1 to n do for z:=0 to 6 do if mark[i,j] = data[s[z]] then begin ok := false; for h:=0 to 3 do if (mark[i,j] and (1 shl h)) = 0 then begin x := i + dx[h]; y := j + dy[h]; if inside(x,y) and (not (a[x,y] in ['Z','M','.'])) and ((data[a[x,y]] and (1 shl((h+2) mod 4)))<>0) then ok := true; end; if ok then writeln(i,#32,j,#32,'+') else writeln(i,#32,j,#32,s[z]); exit; end; end.