Hướng dẫn giải của Bedao Grand Contest 15 - Lomkdle

Chỉ dùng lời giải này khi không có ý tưởng, và đừng copy-paste code từ lời giải này. Hãy tôn trọng người ra đề và người viết lời giải.
Nộp một lời giải chính thức trước khi tự giải là một hành động có thể bị ban.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;    

using ll = long long;
using ld = long double;

template<class T>
struct flow_network{
    int n;
    vector<vector<int>> adj;
    struct E{
        int from, to;
        T capacity, flow;
    vector<E> edge;
    flow_network(int n): n(n), adj(n){ }
    void clear_flow(){
        for(auto &e: edge) e.flow = 0;
    int link(int from, int to, T cap){
        int ind = (int)edge.size();
        edge.push_back({from, to, cap, 0});
        adj[to].push_back(ind + 1);
        edge.push_back({to, from, cap, 0});
        return ind;
    int orient(int from, int to, T cap){
        int ind = (int)edge.size();
        edge.push_back({from, to, cap, 0});
        adj[to].push_back(ind + 1);
        edge.push_back({to, from, 0, 0});
        return ind;
    void add_flow(int i, T f){
        edge[i].flow += f;
        edge[i ^ 1].flow -= f;
    friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const flow_network &F){
        out << "\n";
        for(auto &e: F.edge){
            out << "{" << e.from << " -> " << e.to << ", " << e.flow << "/" << e.capacity << "}\n";
        return out;

// Requires flow_network
template<class T>
struct dinic_maximum_flow{
    static constexpr T eps = (T)1e-9, inf = numeric_limits<T>::max();
    flow_network<T> &F;
    dinic_maximum_flow(flow_network<T> &F): F(F), ptr(F.n), level(F.n), q(F.n){ }
    vector<int> ptr, level, q;
    bool bfs(int source, int sink){
        fill(level.begin(), level.end(), -1);
        q[0] = sink;
        level[sink] = 0;
        for(auto beg = 0, end = 1; beg < end; ){
            int i = q[beg ++];
            for(auto ind: F.adj[i]){
                auto &e = F.edge[ind];
                auto &re = F.edge[ind ^ 1];
                if(re.capacity - re.flow > eps && level[e.to] == -1){
                    level[e.to] = level[i] + 1;
                    if(e.to == source) return true;
                    q[end ++] = e.to;
        return false;
    T dfs(int u, T w, int sink){
        if(u == sink) return w;
        int &j = ptr[u];
        while(j >= 0){
            int ind = F.adj[u][j];
            auto &e = F.edge[ind];
            if(e.capacity - e.flow > eps && level[e.to] == level[u] - 1){
                T flow = dfs(e.to, min(e.capacity - e.flow, w), sink);
                if(flow > eps){
                    F.add_flow(ind, flow);
                    return flow;
            -- j;
        return 0;
    // Find a maximum source-sink flow
    // O(V^2 E) ( O(E min(V^2/3, E^1/2)) for unit network )
    T maximum_flow(int source, int sink){
        assert(0 <= source && source < F.n && 0 <= sink && sink < F.n);
        T flow = 0;
        while(bfs(source, sink)){
            for(auto i = 0; i < F.n; ++ i) ptr[i] = (int)F.adj[i].size() - 1;
            T sum = 0;
                T add = dfs(source, inf, sink);
                if(add <= eps) break;
                sum += add;
            if(sum <= eps) break;
            flow += sum;
        return flow;
    // Find a minimum source-sink cut
    // O(V^2 E) ( O(E min(V^2/3, E^1/2)) for unit network )
    tuple<T, vector<int>, vector<int>> minimum_cut(int source, int sink){
        T cut_weight = maximum_flow(source, sink);
        vector<int> left, right;
        for(auto u = 0; u < F.n; ++ u) (!~level[u] ? left : right).push_back(u);
        return {cut_weight, left, right};

// Requires flow_network
template<class T, class Flow_Solver>
struct flow_network_with_demand{
    flow_network_with_demand(int n): n(n), F(n + 2), D(F), demand(n){}
    int orient(int u, int v, T d, T c){
        assert(0 <= d && d <= c);
        ++ m;
        int id = F.orient(u, v, c - d);
        demand[u] -= d;
        demand[v] += d;
        return id;
    T _setup(){
        T req = 0;
        for(auto u = 0; u < n; ++ u){
            if(demand[u] > 0) F.orient(n, u, demand[u]), req += demand[u];
            else if(demand[u] < 0) F.orient(u, n + 1, -demand[u]);
        return req;
    // Destroys the network after getting called
    optional<vector<T>> feasible_circulation(){
        vector<T> w = edge_demand;
        T req = _setup();
        if(req != D.maximum_flow(n, n + 1)) return {};
        for(auto i = 0; i < m; ++ i) w[i] += F.edge[edge_id[i]].flow;
        return w;
    // Destroys the network after getting called
    optional<pair<T, vector<T>>> feasible_flow(int s, int t){
        assert(0 <= min(s, t) && max(s, t) < n && s != t);
        int id = F.orient(t, s, numeric_limits<T>::max());
        auto resptr = feasible_circulation();
        if(!resptr) return {};
        return pair{F.edge[id].flow, *resptr};
    // Destroys the network after getting called
    optional<pair<T, vector<T>>> maximum_feasible_flow(int s, int t){
        assert(0 <= min(s, t) && max(s, t) < n && s != t);
        int id = F.orient(t, s, numeric_limits<T>::max());
        auto resptr = feasible_circulation();
        if(!resptr) return {};
        auto w = edge_demand;
        T flow = F.edge[id].flow;
        F.edge[id].capacity = F.edge[id].flow = F.edge[id ^ 1].flow = 0;
        flow += D.maximum_flow(s, t);
        for(auto i = 0; i < m; ++ i) w[i] += F.edge[edge_id[i]].flow;
        return pair{flow, w};
    // Destroys the network after getting called
    optional<pair<T, vector<T>>> minimum_feasible_flow(int s, int t){
        assert(0 <= min(s, t) && max(s, t) < n && s != t);
        int id = F.orient(t, s, numeric_limits<T>::max());
        auto resptr = feasible_circulation();
        if(!resptr) return {};
        auto w = edge_demand;
        T flow = F.edge[id].flow;
        F.edge[id].capacity = F.edge[id].flow = F.edge[id ^ 1].flow = 0;
        flow -= D.maximum_flow(t, s);
        for(auto i = 0; i < m; ++ i) w[i] += F.edge[edge_id[i]].flow;
        return pair{flow, w};
    int n, m = 0;
    flow_network<T> F;
    Flow_Solver D;
    vector<T> demand;
    vector<int> edge_id;
    vector<T> edge_demand;

signed main(){

    constexpr int C = 26;

int tests; cin >> tests; while (tests--){
    int n, m;
    cin >> n >> m;

    vector <string> a(m), b(m);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){
        cin >> a[i] >> b[i];

    flow_network_with_demand <int, dinic_maximum_flow <int>> fn(1 + C + n + 1);
    int source = fn.n - 2, sink = fn.n - 1;

    vector <pair <int, int>> lhs(C, pair{0, n}), rhs(n, pair{1, 1});
    vector <vector <pair <int, int>>> mid(C, vector <pair <int, int>>(n, pair{0, 1}));
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++){
        array <int, C> cntGY;
        array <bool, C> hasB;
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
            if (b[i][j] == 'B'){
                hasB[a[i][j] - 'A'] = true;
                mid[a[i][j] - 'A'][j] = pair{0, 0};
            else if (b[i][j] == 'G'){
                cntGY[a[i][j] - 'A']++;
                mid[a[i][j] - 'A'][j] = pair{1, 1};
                cntGY[a[i][j] - 'A']++;
                mid[a[i][j] - 'A'][j] = pair{0, 0};
        for (int c = 0; c < C; c++){
            if (hasB[c]){
                lhs[c] = pair{cntGY[c], cntGY[c]};
            lhs[c].first = max(lhs[c].first, cntGY[c]);

    for (int c = 0; c < C; c++){
        fn.orient(source, c, lhs[c].first, lhs[c].second);
    for (int c = 0; c < C; c++){
        for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
            fn.orient(c, C + j, mid[c][j].first, mid[c][j].second);
    for (int j = 0; j < n; j++){
        fn.orient(C + j, sink, rhs[j].first, rhs[j].second);

    string ans(n, '?');
    auto [flow, w] = fn.maximum_feasible_flow(source, sink).value();
    assert(flow == n);
    for (int i = 0; i < ssize(w); i++){
        auto id = fn.edge_id[i];
        auto e = fn.F.edge[id];
        int u = e.from, v = e.to;
        if (0 <= u and u < C and C <= v and v < C + n){
            if (w[i] == 1){
                ans[v - C] = char(u + 'A');
    cout << ans << "\n";

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